Small-scale pellet lines

Basic information

We offer a small-scale pellet line of Czech production with a guaranteed output of 200 kg / hour. As a condition for the production of quality pellets, the input moisture of the raw material (sawdust, wood, peat, ...) must be between 13 and 15%. The advantage of the small-scale pellet line is easy serviceability and minimal demands on the production space. The goal of the development was price and capacity availability for small agricultural, timber and joinery operations. The construction of the pelletizing line enables easy handling and transportation.

Line performance200 kg / hr
Minimum installed power18,5 kW
Operational coefficient0,80
Power supply40A C - 63A C, three-phase electricity meter
Input raw materialpure sawdust, planer, peat
Humidity of the raw material13 - 15 %
Dimensions (length x width x height)4,5 m x 1,8 m x 2,4 m
Weight1300 kg
Manufacturing facility (length x width x height)8 m, 4 m, 2,7 m
Personnel1 person
Pellet diameter6 mm
Noise74 dB(A)

Intake of raw material

Receipt of sawdust into the hopper is handled manually in the base assembly. Rotary pickup system (0.55 kW) in the container prevents clogging of raw material and allow its complete emptying. The raw material passes into the tubular screw conveyor ∅ 150 mm (0.75 kW) from the container, which is controlled by a frequency inverter. Using a screw conveyor, the feedstock is transferred to a vibratory dispenser equipped with a magnetic separator to remove all metallic impurities before entering the annular granulator.

Příjem suroviny

Pressing of raw material

Due to the influence of the frequency converter, the raw material is continuously fed into the pressing unit of the ring granulator PR15 (main motor 15 kW). The granulator gearbox is filled with synthetic oil as a lifetime filling (approx. 20,000 hours). The ring granulator is equipped with a basic coarse separation of the swarf from the finished pellets. The manufacturer does not recommend reverse operation of the granulator!

Pellet cooling

From the ring granulator PR15 the finished pellets enter the cooler. In the central part of the cooler there is a capacitive sensor which, together with the electronics in the technology cabinet, controls the entire pellet cooling process. The cooler is equipped with a grate with a pneumatic piston that opens and closes the cooler. When the cooler is opened, batches of finished pellets are cyclically discharged into the lower hopper.


Pellet packaging

A 2.5 m (1.1 kW) conveyor belt is placed under the cooler hopper for conveying the pellets to the selected container mounted in the support stand. The hot air is driven via a fan to the end aspirator, which removes the hot air from the technology.

Electrical equipment

The electrical switchboard is used to control and manage the line. It contains controls for all motors in the technology, including an ammeter with granulator load control. Beyond the automatic operation, the discharge of the cooling equipment and the conveyor belt can be controlled independently. Signalling lights inform about the operation or possible failure of the granulation.

Kusové dřevo

Transportation and assembly

Nakládku lze uskutečnit vysokozdvižným vozíkem nebo vozidlem s hydraulickou rukou. Pro tento účel je rám linky opatřen oky pro manipulaci. Technologie bude připravena pro přepravu ve dvousamostatných nákladových kusech. První část linky má přepravní rozměry 4,5 m x 1,8 m x 2,4 m, druhý kus (aspirace) je v rozloženém stavu připevněn k EUR paletě o rozměru 120 cm x 80 cm.U koncového zákazníka dojde ke kompletaci obou kusů, ukotvení technologie ve čtyřech bodech k betonové podlaze, seřízení a proškolení obsluhy. Elektrospecialista připojí technologii k hlavnímu přívodu elektrické energie.Pro oblast Ukrajiny je tato činnost vykonávánanaší místní servisní organizací.



List of devices

Malá linka
1. Hopper with rotary discharge system 0.5 m30,55
2. Dosing screw170 mm with frequency converter0,75
3. Vibrating dispenser with magnetic separator0,025
4. Ring Granulator PR1515
5. Pellet box 10 l
6. Cooler with pneumatic piston, compressor0,45
7. Aspiration with two fans0,25
8. Belt conveyor 2,5 m1,1
9. Stand for bagging
10. Wiring with control
